St Polycarp's Catholic Primary School

St Polycarp's Catholic Primary School St Polycarp's Catholic Primary School


Catholic Life

The Catholic Life of a school is about an educational endeavour centred on the person of Christ. Staff work together in many ways to ensure that the Catholic identity and ethos of St Polycarp's School is explicit to the whole community and beyond. These areas of school life all contribute to that endeavour through the work of key staff members: 

Area  Staff member
Mission Statement Mrs Best and Mrs Walker
School Motto Mrs Walker
Spiritual Council Mrs Walker
One World Council Mrs Peneda
School Council Mr Peebles
Eco Council Miss Bellapaisiotou
Class Charities Mrs Walker
Community Links (music) Mrs Ridgeon
St Joan of Arc Parish Links Mrs Worley
Signposts and Foodbank links  Mrs Walker
RE Visitors/Visits Mrs Walker
Website and Polygraph News Mrs Walker