St Polycarp's Catholic Primary School

St Polycarp's Catholic Primary School St Polycarp's Catholic Primary School


Staff and Responsibilities

The Staff from September 2018

We have an incredible breadth of talent and experience within the staff. Classroom support staff, administrative staff and teachers provide a wonderful experience for all our children.

Leadership Team

Mrs Gunn Executive Headteacher
Mrs Best Head of School
Mrs Trafford Deputy Headteacher
Miss de Jouvencel Head of EYFS and Key Stage 1
Miss Murdoch  Head of Key Stage 2 

Teaching School

Mrs Gunn Teaching School Lead
Mrs Carr ITT Director
Mrs Easton Teaching School Administrator




Mrs Blagden
Mrs Parker

Miss Pressner

Mrs Guy - HLTA
Mrs Warner 

Year 1



Mrs Dwyer

Mrs Elliott 

Mrs Firth

Mrs Cochrane 

Mrs Donnelly 

Miss Taylor

Year 2



Miss de Jouvencel

Mrs Woolley

Mrs Bentley  

Mrs Douglas 

Miss Richards

Year 3



Mrs Edgell
Mrs Holcroft

Mrs Thomas

Mrs Bell 

Mrs Massey 

Year 4



Mr Finch

Mrs Horrocks

Mrs Killington  

Mrs McLoughlin 

Year 5



Miss Kennington

Mrs Tommons

Mrs Boot 

Mrs Crowley

Mrs Mezzullo

Mrs Willis

Year 6



Miss Berenson
Miss Murdoch

Mrs Considine 
Mrs Letts 
Mr Mackie 

Mrs Rodriguez - HLTA

Staff responsibilities

Mrs Trafford Maths Y5&6 focus groups, Assessment, Behaviour and Curriculum enrichment
Mrs Hill Maths Y3&4 focus groups
Mrs Parker & Mrs Blagden EYFS
Miss Pressner Art
Miss de Jouvencel KS1 English and Sport
Mrs Woolley School Council
Mrs Holcroft Science
Mrs Thomas & Mrs Tommons Maths
Mrs Edgell Design Technology
Mr Finch Computing
Mrs Horrocks RE Curriculum and Assessment
Mrs Worley RE Collective worship, Spiritual Council, PSHE and One World
Miss Kennington History
Miss Murdoch KS2 English
Miss Berenson Geography and ECO
Mrs Ochoa-Fagan Spanish
Mrs Hinchliff Music

Support Staff

Mrs Smallwood Inclusion Manager
Mrs Logan ELSA
Mrs Guy Rainbows
Mrs Sturgess SEND Support
Mrs Pointon Home School Link Worker 
Mrs Davies Resources Assistant
Mrs Ellis Network Manager
Mr Cowdry Premises Manager

 Administration Staff

Mrs Coleman School Business Manager
Mrs Regan Admissions
Mrs McKendrick Finance Assistant

Mrs Zanchetta (Mon, Tues, Wed)

Mrs Osbaldeston (Thurs, Fri)

Administrative Officers

Lunchtime Supervisors                 Also TA's

Mrs Egan - Senior LS                      Mrs Bell
Mrs Hayman Mrs Cochrane
Mrs Miller Mrs Douglas
Mrs Conroy Mrs Guy
Mrs Smith Mrs Killington 
Mr Mackie
Mrs Massey
Mrs McLoughlin       
Miss Richards
Mrs Shine
Miss Taylor
Mrs Warner