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Pupil Voice


School Council

The school council is a formal group of pupils who act as representatives of their classmates in discussing school issues with the School Leadership Team and staff. Children are democratically elected by their classmates to represent the views of all pupils and also to improve their school.

We have 12 children that are the voice of the children and 2 members of SLT.

Mr Peebles (Head of KS2)


Spiritual Council

The Spiritual Council comprises of one representative from each class from years 4, 5 and 6. This group of children focus on developing the spiritual life of the school.  They meet to evaluate the collective worship being delivered by the head teacher, class teacher or children. In addition, they reflect on the liturgical season and ways in which the school can develop its collective worship and prayer life. The children feed their ideas back to their class and in turn gather suggestions and ideas for their next meeting.

Teacher: Mrs Walker


ECO Committee

Eco Committee is a group of pupils who meet each term to discuss eco-friendly and environmental issues within school. This helps ensure our school is eco-friendly and prepares pupils to live with reflection of the environment. Democratically this ensures each class has a platform to voice their opinions.

Teacher: Mrs Walker


House Captains

House Captain’s lead and support the children of each House in a variety of House Competitions. They work closely with the Headteacher on a variety of events, from hosting parents on visits, through to announcing House Points during whole school assemblies. 

Additionally, they provide ideas and support for competitions and House related activities.

There are 2 Captain’s for each House.

One World

Each class elects one child to represent them as part of the 'One World' team. This committee look at helping those less fortunate in the world. The projects vary depending on need. The committee members have the task of keeping the rest of the school informed and report to their classes after meetings.

Teacher: Mrs Peneda

Sports Council

Sports Council meet every half-term to discuss sport and physical activity in school. They discuss the organising of competitions, roles for play leaders and how to improve sport at St Polycarp’s

Teacher: Mrs Ramsden


Sports Crew - Year 6

The Sport’s Crew attend a three-hour central training session for pupils in Year 6 to develop leadership, resilience, character and confidence. This will lead to them becoming Sports Crew ambassadors.  This allows them to:

Plan and lead activities in the playground to engage all – values festivals, personal challenges.

Progress skills through responsibility, such as setting up equipment for clubs, PE lessons and assist delivery where appropriate.

Pupil voice responsibilities – find out what their peers would like to take part in.

Raise the profile of PE and school sport across the school – assemblies, newsletter articles.

Teacher: Mrs Ramsden

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Team

Teacher: Miss Dalton